web based application
Web-based applications or commonly called Web Applications have several advantages including not requiring computer qualifications and not requiring installation. To open it not only on certain computers like desktop applications. If a desktop application, to run the program requires an installation process (installation) first, then it is different from the case with web applications that do not require installation process. All you need is an adequate internet connection. We accept Web Application creation services (special web-based applications) for specific task needs with features needed. The process of creating a web application will be developed using PHP programming with MySQL or SQL Server databases supported by interesting settings and designs. Data collection, analysis, and implementation will be carried out by involving clients / sections that are competent with functional applications so that the application will be optimized and validated.
Software Application
PT. Yasulor Indonesia
( lore'al )
Production Data Record system, covered in a website system to create production data calculations as a reference in the natural resource efficiency process.
The system covered in Digital PPI has been implemented at PT Yasulor Indonesia (Loreal Manufacturing).
PT. dma
mahakam beta pharmaceuthical
Sales data records available on the DMA Project Web,simplify the process of calculating data including managing sales targets and sales positions in realtime.
The system covered in the DMA Project has been implemented at PT DMA Mahakam Beta Pharmaceutical
Discussing a concepts and systems according to customers requests, directly involving customers.
On Time
Good Analysis of project makes us have a good project completion time.
High Integrity
Concepts that point to consistency between actions and values and principles.
Fast Response
Fast response will provide convenience for our customers.
User Friendly Interface
The concept of an interface that is easy to use, and does not take long time to understand.
Great team is an added value for us, because our company is based on family.
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